Visa Australia ETA
Electronic Travel Authority - Subclass 601
Australian ETA (Electronic Travel Authority - Subclass 601) is an electronic authorization that allows citizens of certain countries to travel and enter Australia.
The introduction of the ETA visa has facilitated the process of obtaining a visa for Australia. In fact, travelers from countries eligible for ETA applications can apply directly online without going to embassies or consulates.
This visa is suitable for short stays (3 months) for tourism or business reasons and for transit through Australia to another destination.
The application for the Visa Australia ETA is mandatory and must be submitted only online, with an easy procedure lasting a few minutes. To obtain this entry visa, you will have to meet certain requirements.

Visa Australia ETA - Short Guide
ETA to Australia ( subclass 601 ) is an e-Visa dedicated to travelers with citizenship of one of the following countries:
Brunei – Darussalam
Hong Kong
Republic of South Korea
United States of America
Duration and Validity of the Visa ETA Australia
The ETA visa for Australia is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. It allows its holder to stay in the country for up to 3 months on each visit.
With ETA for australia visa you have the possibility to enter the country several times during the validity period and stay in the Australian territory for up to 90 consecutive days for each stay.
The validity of the visa is also linked to the expiry date of the passport used for the application. If the passport expires before 12 months, ETA also expires.
NB. If you go on a cruise and depart from an Australian port, the time spent on the cruise counts as time spent in Australia

The types of ETA to Australia
ETA Visa to Australia has two variants, Tourist and Business.
Let's analyze the differences:
Tourist Visa ETA to Australia
With the tourist version of the ETA visa to Australia you can:
- Visit Australia as a tourist
- Visiting friends and family living in AUstralia
- Follow courses of study for a maximum duration of 3 months
Business Visa ETA to Australia
With this variant of ETA Visa to Australia you can:
- Start commercial research at Australian companies for future corporate collaborations
- Start an investigation to look for a future job and for a definitive transfer.
- Negotiate, sign or review business or employment contracts
- Attend conferences and seminars only if you are not paid by the organizers for participation
With the ETA Visas To Australia, tourist and business type, will be possible to carry out voluntary activities, if:
- The main goal of the trip to Australia is tourism. volunteering is a consequence of this visit.
- Voluntary work must be unpaid: only the reimbursement of expenses that may include food, accommodation, transport is provided.
- Volunteering cannot be carried out by a regularly paid Australian citizen (if you prevent a resident from obtaining paid work).
IMPORTANT: With Australian ETA visa, you can't work absolutely. For this purpose, you must submit another type of visa to Australia (eg Working Holiday Visa or Student Visa).
Conditions required to obtain a ETA for Australia Visa
We summarize the necessary conditions to be met to apply for an ETA Visa.
You can apply for an ETA Australia (tourist or Business) if:
Do you have a passport appropriate to the request. Depends on the country of citizenship
You travel to Australia as a tourist or for general business
At the time of the request you are outside the australian territory
You are not sick with tuberculosis when you enter Australia
You have no criminal convictions for crimes whose penalty is 12 or more months in prison. If you have had a criminal conviction, you should apply for a Visitor Visa (subclass 600) rather than an ETA Australia. If you arrive with an Australian ETA visa with a criminal conviction charged, you could be refused upon arrival on Australian territory, and sent back.
Passport and ETA Visa
ETA Visa to Australia is electronically linked to the passport number that you used to complete the application. There will be no physical stamp or label attached to the passport. If you receive approval, the visa specifications and its actual presence will be accessible and viewed by the airline's ground staff at the time of check-in. If the ETA Australia visa does not appear on the terminal at the time of boarding, you will not be allowed to board, and in this case the staff can forward an urgent request with an additional cost. If the passport used for the ETA Australia application changes for any reason before departure, a new Australia ETA visa is required.
Duplicate ETA visa application
If you already have a valid Australian Visa Visitor and apply for another ETA (ex.the first one is about to expire or because an error in filling out the application has been committed), if the second request submitted is approved, it automatically cancels the previous ETA Australia and replaces it.
Postpone Visa deadline
It is not possible to extend the validity of the ETA visa.
If you are in Australian territory and need to stay in Australia beyond three months, you should know that the duration of the ETA Visa (subclass 601) cannot be extended. In this case a Visitor Visa (subclass 600) must be applied for. It can be requested at even if you are in Australian territory.
Beneficiary of other types of visa for Australia
If you have ordinary Australia visa, before applying for the ETA visa, we recommend that you contact us or contact your nearest immigration office.
The new ETA application will replace the ordinary visa. In this case ETA could have less favorable conditions than the previous one.
Everyone must have apply for ETA Australia
Every person traveling to Australia needs an entry visa. If you are traveling with your family, each member must apply for an ETA visa prior to departure.
The visa is also mandatory for children under 18 and infants.
How to apply for an E-visa ETA Australia
On our site You can submit your online visa application for Australia ETA in a simple and quick way, filling in the form.
In the application form, you must enter all the necessary information, indicate if you are requesting a tourist visa or business, personal information, passport data and address of residence (which must be strictly outside of australian territory )and finally to answer questions concerning the criminal record. We recommend that you enter the data that correspond to the reality and try not to make mistakes.
Providing false data is a crime. You can be criminally denounced
Steps to apply for ETA Australia - Tourist and Business
Now we list the various steps to submit the Visa ETA request :
The online request is made by completing the specific ETA Australia form
You have to fill out a single application ETA for each member of the family (including children) or for each person of the group with which you travel
Once the application is complete you will receive an e-mail with the details of the request.
Wait up!! The result of the request will be sent by e-mail (make sure you have written the address correctly). 75% of the requests are processed in a few hours, while for the remaining part it is necessary to wait up to a maximum of 3 working days. For the remainder, the final decision can arrive even after 3-5 working days. Australian authorities in some cases require additional information, such as bank statements, business documents, bank statements, photos and so on. In this case our staff will inform you promptly.
If your ETA Australia visa is approved, you will receive in your mail box, a letter with the subject line "ETA-eVisitor Document" in which are indicated all the conditions of the ETA Australia and attached a PDF document of the approved visa .
- This Document contains :
- The concession number of your Visa ETA Australia
- The date of validity for your ETA
- The conditions to which you must comply
In some cases the ETA request is not accepted and the visa refused.In this case you will receive an email with the reasons for the refusal.The only chance you have left to get a travel visa for Australia is to go to the nearest Australian consulate or embassy
Important: To avoid problems, due to delays in the granting of the visa Australia, it is always good apply at least 72 hours prior to departure.The e-Visa for Australia must be put on top of the list for organizing the trip.

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