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Is my Australia e-Visa linked to the passport?

Australia e-Visa linked to the passport?

Are ETA Australia and eVisitor Visa linked to the passport?

Customers often ask us how to check if their E-Visa Australia is attached to the passport or how to check if it has been officially approved. This site post answers the question clearly.

The E-Visa Australia  system has been designed to make application processing faster and easier.
ETA Australia and eVisitor visa applications are sent online and, once granted, are electronically linked to the applicant's passport. Since it is associated with your passport number there is no obligation to print the document. No other visa works like ETA.

Visa validity request: mode of operation.

After you request an Australia Visa on this site, you must wait for application grant. The process may take until 48 working hours, so be patient. When the application is approved, you’ll have a visa reference number via e-mail.
The document attesting the granting of a visa for Australia ETA or eVisitor is sent by e-mail. Inside of it, you can find all the identification codes, which can be used for a subsequent check on its actual validity. For this reason, it is important to make sure that the e-mail address provided during the completion of the application form is correctly written and it is valid.

In the Australian visa application form you can insert a second e-mail address, for a greater confirmation of receipt of your ETA online. Many times, we receive e-mails from customers who write that they haven’t received any news: check your spam folder!!
Often the mail server confuses a correct email with a spam e-mail and places it in the spam folder. For this reason, we suggest also to fill in the field of the second email in the application form, with a different operator.

It is equally important to verify that all information provided in the application of ETA Visa in Australia on our website is correct. The details of the passport used to fill in the request are those that will be attached to the ETA application online. If there are errors or inconsistencies, this could affect the validity of the E-visa Australia.

If you change your passport, it is necessary to promptly communicate us via e-mail, the updated data of the new passport. This because the visa obtained on the previous passport will not be considered more valid.

How to make sure that your Australian visa is actually tied to your passport?

You can obtain the status of your Australia Visa online by sending us an email requesting a document check, and we will send you the government verification document.

Warning: this document isn’t the Visa application grant. You must wait the Australia ETA or Australia eVisitor attached to an e-mail with the subject "ETA-eVisitor Document". The grant is in PDF format with the heading "VISA GRANT NOTICE - Name Surname".

Inside, you found the identification number, applicant data, visa expiry and general conditions, in the following order in case of eVisitor Visas:

Visa Class - E-visitor (class TV)
Visa Subclass eVisitor (subclass 651)
Visa Grant Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Visa Grant Date: gg/mm/aaaa
Travel Document Number
Travel Document Country
Must Not Arrive After: 1 Year from the date of issue 
Stay Period: 3 month (s) from the date of each arrival
Travel Facility: Multiple
Visa Conditions

For the ETA Visa the conditions are the same.

Keep the confirmation email for Australia visa in a safe place.

Even if the visa has not been requested at our site, you can send us an e-mail to request a validity check. In this case we need at least one of the identification numbers of the Australia Visa, passport data and the applicant's data.

Notes: The Australian government has stated on its website that if an visa application has been submitted and this request has been approved through another site (like us!), then it isn’t necessary to verify the authenticity with them.

Furthermore, the government has also declared that it can’t confirm the validity by telephone due to privacy reasons.
The Australian government has procedures with airlines to correct any problems during airport check-in. To make our customers even more secure, this website offers the possibility to independently check the validity of the ETA Visa for Australia at the following link: VEVO for Visa Holders

For any kind of question or doubts regarding the visa for Australia please contact us by filling out the contact form or Visit our General questions about Australia visas page

We hope that this simple guide can help you!!!


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